Running on Empty
I’ve decided to have a day off life today. It’s one of those ‘nothing’ days. I have lay on my bed for most of the day and done absolutely nothing – I don’t even mind doing nothing. I don’t feel like doing anything….eating, drinking, reading, writing … I feel no anger or frustration….I am quite at peace. It is perfectly silent. The sea is calm and the clouds are still. Even the cats know not to bug me. It’s like being in a vacuum and whilst it feels quite nice for a change, god I would hate to feel like this all the time.
I love having the space to just sit and do nothing. I can sit for hours just looking out of the window thinking, drifting, wondering. Tx has made me realise what an anal, stressed, obsessive person I used to be. He is definitely NOT coming back after treatment.
Paul, at 5:43 pm
Hi Tink,
I have lots of those days. They're wonderful. Nothing I have to do and nowhere I have to go to do it.
Of course, I end up sitting at the computer for hours on end, getting a stiff neck. It doesn't make my chiropractor happy.
Oh, well, you can't have everything.
peter, at 9:48 pm
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